2021年6月1日,政府间海洋学委员会和德国教育与科技部在德国举办了联合国海洋十年启动大会。从2021年6月至2022年5月,围绕海洋十年的七大产出,将在全球范围内组织7次海洋十年实验室(Ocean Decade Laboratories)系列活动。第二次实验室“可预测的海洋”将围绕海洋与气候预测于9月15-17日网络举行。“可预测的海洋”实验室包括2个大会活动和21个分会活动,活动主办方邀请了世界多领域著名人士和涉海领域知名专家参加。自然资源部第一海洋研究所乔方利研究员将做大会报告,并联合日本、韩国和俄罗斯专家组织了一个分会活动“海洋预测东亚研讨会”(East Asian Workshop on A Predicted Ocean)。该分会将于北京时间9月17日8:00-12:00通过网络召开,来自世界各地的多位著名海洋和气候学家将就海洋和气候模式发展、关键物理过程研究、极端海气相互作用等海洋学前沿问题进行汇报,欢迎大家参加。
Online Sessions for Satellite Activities of
the Ocean Decade Laboratories
East Asian Workshop on A Predicted Ocean
September 17, 2021
08:00-12:00 (UTC+08:00)
Opening Remark | |
08:00-08:05 | Fangli Qiao |
First Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China | |
PART I Ocean model development and applications (Chair: Byoung-Ju Choi) | |
08:05-08:18 | The new generation ocean model for A Predicted Ocean |
Fangli Qiao | |
First Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China | |
08:18-08:31 | Can we predict the ocean? Experience from the development of Malaysia Marine Forecasting System (MFAST) |
Mohd Fadzil Akhir | |
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia | |
08:31-08:44 | Introduction to NEAR-GOOS ocean forecasting system and Korean Ocean Forecasting Systems |
Jae-Il Kwon | |
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea | |
08:44-08:57 | Assessing the impact of altimetric data assimilation in the KIOST Northwest Pacific prediction system |
Young Ho Kim | |
Pukyong National University, Korea | |
08:57-09:10 | Ocean state forecast in Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment (JCOPE) |
Yasumasa Miyazawa | |
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan | |
09:10-09:25 | Discussion |
PART II Prediction on key processes (Chair: Vyacheslav Lobanov) | |
09:25-09:38 | Progress in Kuroshio forecasting at JMA |
Norihisa Usui | |
Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan | |
09:38-09:51 | Marine ecosystem modeling and forecasting for the China coastal waters |
Fei Chai | |
Second Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China | |
09:51-10:04 | Lagrangian analysis of trench eddies in the northwestern Pacific in the altimetry era |
Sergey Prants | |
Pacific Oceanological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia | |
10:04-10:17 | Observation of the IOC/WESTPAC CSK-2 project for “ A Predicted Ocean” |
Kentaro Ando | |
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan | |
10:17-10:32 | Discussion |
10:32-10:47 | Break |
PART III Prediction on extreme air-sea interaction (Chair: Kentaro Ando) | |
10:47-11:00 | The development of a regional Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave coupled model for typhoon |
Biao Zhao | |
First Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China | |
11:00-11:13 | Climate change and tropical cyclone trend |
Il-Ju Moon | |
Jeju National University, Korea | |
11:13-11:26 | Regional climate downscaling simulations under CORDEX Southeast Asia |
Fredolin Tangang | |
The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia | |
11:26-11:39 | An Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) for the Kuroshio Extension |
Meghan F. Cronin | |
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, United States | |
11:39-11:54 | Discussion |
PART IV Wrap-up | |
11:54-12:00 | Fangli Qiao |
First Institute of Oceanography, MNR, China |
- 上一篇 自然资源部第一海洋研究所2022年招收攻读硕士学位研究生简章 2021.09.15
- 下一篇 2022年接收高等学校推荐免试攻读硕士学位研究生的规定 2021.09.13