Announcement Administrative Assistant of International CLIVAR Global Project Office

时间:2019.09.06 字号

 CLIVAR ( ) is a Core Project of the World Climate Research Progamme ( dedicated to understanding the role of the oceans in the variability, predictability and change of climate.  Each of the Core Projects has an International Project Office that acts as an extension of the WCRP Joint Planning Staff in Geneva, Switzerland, that has the overall responsibility for all the WCRP Core Projects.  The International CLIVAR Project Office (ICPO) serves as the executive arm of the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group and its panel and working groups. The ICPO is based at First Institute of Oceanography, Minister of Natural Resources (FIO/MNR, Qingdao, China).  


Duties and responsibilities of the ICGPO Administrative Assistant


The ICPO administrative assistant assists the Executive Directorand Staff Scientists to ensure that the ICPO provides effective secretarial support to the CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group (SSG), its panels and working groups.


The ICPO administrative assistant will have the following key responsibilities:


  • Serve as secretariat to CLIVAR panels and working groups within the remit of the Global Office.  This includes, inter alia,

        a.  Assisting the Panel/WG chairs and Staff Scientists in logistical preparations for meetings and       workshops;

        b.   Creating and maintaining pertinent and attractive webpages for the Panel/WG activities and ICPO announcements;

        c.   Providing support to the Panel/WG Chairs and Staff Scientists between sessions;

        d.   Liaising with other ICPO nodes on related activities;

        e.   Maintaining an up-to-date knowledge of the relevant fields of research.


  • Support ICPO in the preparation of articles graphical input to CLIVAR and WCRP publications and websites;

  • Financial management of the office;

  • Assist the Executive Director as needed.




Graduate degree in English, Oceanography or other environment-related science;

Fluent in English (the working language of the ICPO) and Chinese;

Excellent written and oral communication skills;

Excellent Word, Excel, Powerpoint skills;

Experienced in organizing logistical aspects of meetings;

Excellent webpage management skills;

Good interpersonal skills and commitment to the work.

Experience in providing secretariat support to project/programme and knowledge management, with basic knowledge on ocean and climate science is highly desirable.


Applications should include: (i) a Curriculum Vitae; (ii) a covering letter explaining why you are interested in the post, and outlining the skills and experience you feel you, the candidate, could bring to CLIVAR.


The address to which applications should be sent is:

Liping Yin

International CLIVAR Project Office

First Institute of Oceanography, MNR

6 Xianxialing Road,

Qingdao 266061, P.R. China

Phone Number: 0532 8889 3733



The closing date for applications is 27th September,2019.


The ICPO administrative assistantreports to the Executive Director of the ICPO.The ICPO is hosted by FIO and follows the administrative guidelines and rules of the FIO.


The annual salary of the ICPO administrative assistant will be in the range 21,000-26,000 USD equivalent and will take due account of the experience and qualifications of the candidate. All salaries will be paid in Chinese Yuan and subject to Chinese income tax, social securities, etc.The initial contract of employment will be one year, with the possible extension for another two years. There will be a probation period of two months and the contract will be terminated if the employee’s performance is not adequate. It is expected that the successful candidate would take up his/her appointment, located in Qingdao from 15thOctober 2019.

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